Friday, 29 November 2013

Mummy's & Ellie's Day of Fun!

Shopping for tinsel, cake eating, bought advent Calendars, and painted a BIG picture, including painting round our feet.  Wonderful end to the week :)

...Oh and I got Monty Python tickets!!!

Thursday, 28 November 2013


Ok I admit it, I am addicted to chocolate. Not just a little bit, I have a routine. Every night after the small human goes to bed, I get the chocolate out and have a cup of tea without fail. BUT if there's no chocolate in the house I think about chocolate, go hunting for chocolate, find substitutes to chocolate e.g. hot chocolate, biscuits with chocolate chips in them, chocolate sauce its ridiculous!

Mmmmmm chocolate chocolate chocolate...... tonight was one of those nights where I went hunting. It was only when I found Hobnobs at the back of the cupboard that the nagging thought of "find chocolate" vaguely disappeared.

I am going to the shops tomorrow morning and buying chocolate!!!!!

Oh actually not until after I have tried to buy Monty Python tickets. I'm so excited I might not sleep I missed out earlier in the week, I need to get these. Then chocolate!

Tomorrow is MUMMY & ELLIE'S DAY OF FUN! Every Friday we have the day together, this week we have a massive piece of thick paper to paint, she has the job of choosing all the tinsel her little heart desires, and we're getting our hair cut. A fun filled day. Pics to follow :)

Have a fab Friday!!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

A Good Cause

Currently suffering from a headache thanks to the glue sealant I'm using for my next addition to the shop. Oh I'm so excited, my brain is buzzing with ideas and I am using every spare evening to create things alongside working on my assignments.

This week I saw a post about a poorly little boy who's parents are raising money for a charity called Clic Sargent, this is the link:

I decided I'd message them and see if their little boy would like a free personalised toy with his name on it. They said yes, his favourite colours are red and blue and I am creating his toy over the next few weeks. Feels really good to be making this for a little boy who has been through so much. Fingers crossed they get the good news they're hoping for before Christmas!

Head on over, give a little something to a fantastic cause, then sit back happily knowing Christmas is just around the corner!

Lots of love to you all!

Sunday, 24 November 2013


So in January this year I gave my fiance his birthday present, an experience pass to go clay pigeon shooting. We finally went yesterday! Never been before, but I want to go again! I'm not a lover of fighting or shooting animals or anything like that, but shooting bright discs out of the sky is lots of fun.

Was I actually any good??.......well.......I shot 4 clays out of 25, sounds poor I know, but those 4 were from the Olympic standard range. I couldn't shoot any of the standard shoot clays, how daft is that! Perhaps that means I was very lucky, or perhaps I'm just a higher class of marksman than the men that were there. (I prefer the latter.)

As a result of shooting I have a lovely brown-blue bruise on the top of my right arm, and feel like I've broken the top of my back from the rebound of the gun - is that even what you call it. Next time i'll wrap a pillow round my arm. So that's OUCH 1.

I burnt my hand on the oven tray as I got the sausages out for lunch. OUCH 2.

Nearly two weeks ago now I switched the sofas round in the living room, they do look better now and are more comfortable when there's more of us sitting down to watch TV. But I pulled the sofa, and managed to sprain my wrist, not coming across as a very sturdy woman am I! It still hasn't healed, OUCH 3.

On the other hand, I used a glue gun this week on my new products that have just gone up for sale on and I didn't burn myself, I used my new craft scissors and didn't cut myself, and I did a lot of sewing and didn't pierce myself. Hooray!

A painful yet productive and fun week! I imagine I may have jinxed myself now uh oh!

By the way, harmless plugging, check out my new products on my shop!! :) 

Friday, 22 November 2013


Wahooo! First sale within the last half an hour. *Does a little dance.*

So excited, all wrapped and ready to send, plus the free gift for my first lucky customer :) 

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Boo hiss, I hear some of you cry "it's only November!"

But tonight, Christmas began here, the Christmas lights got switched on in town with donkey rides, clowns, singers, riders, a hog roast, fake snow, Father Christmas, and of course Christmas lights! (Though they didn't all work) hehe.

We had so much fun, my little Ellie is sleeping peacefully now after being wow'd by the fireworks, and having been up since 6.30am!

Who knew Father Christmas was from Yorkshire too, he had a very broad accent. We even saw him walking round Morrisons later on, strange!

Oh I've spoken too soon, she's woken up and is complaining that she doesn't have her star wand that she got at the celebrations.

Sleep well! Tomorrow is another fun packed day, it's 'Mummy & Ellie's Day of Fun.' I have neither work nor uni. I love Fridays :)


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Paint hair day

Back from the nursery run to find I've gone there, to the shops, and back with white acrylic paint in my hair! Marvellous, the joys of doing craft work in the afternoon and not checking the mirror before I left the house.

Isn't imagination a wonderful thing, sometimes I'm lost for ideas, but not my 2 1/2 year old, she made voices for her feet this evening and proceeded to walk her feet up and down my leg talking to me. And the other day, she ran through the park with her arms out behind her shouting "Weeeee, I'm a supermarket!" (superhero mix up i think ;) ) Then my imagination put a cape on her back, and a big Superman 'S' on her chest. Might have to photoshop that!

Bed time for little one now, then I have more painting to do, more craft work on the next addition to the shop, and maybe eat an entire chocolate orange to myself. Oh and write more on my next uni assignment. Sleep will come quickly once my head hits the pillow!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

New Stuff!

Making new things for the shop, I should really go to bed but I'm painting & then have to clean up the paint that I have managed to get everywhere including my nose!

I want to take an "in the making" photo, but the table is just a mess. Maybe I'll take an artsy one in the morning and put it up.

*Free gift for my first customer on etsy*

Cannot wait till my first sale!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Shop review!!

The shop was reviewed for the first time today, take a look:

It's a lovely Blog by a fellow mummy. Oh I'm so excited :)

I've ordered more materials and craft bits and bobs to get cracking on new ideas. Somehow I have managed to complete a Uni assignment early amongst all this madness. I think chocolate and little drink are well deserved tonight!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Beginning!


Oh I'm so excited to be sharing this with you. These last two weeks have been pretty busy. I have been wracking my brains for months trying to figure out what my 'thing' was going to be after I finish uni.

You see, my fiance (Simon) and I are moving in together finally in June, and thanks to the wonders of finances, we'll be better off with me not working until our littlest starts school. But I'm not comfortable not earning anything for us, my biggest problem is how can I treat Simon with his own money?!

So what to do, nail design? Voluntary work? P/t in a shop? I liked these ideas, but they didn't click properly. Then Ta-Da! I came up with The Blossoming Workshop idea. Creating Sensory toys for babies, toddlers, and those with learning difficulties. I could start the idea now, not wait till the end of uni, I can do it from home, I can make presents and prototype toys that our daughters can try out. It'll be fun most of all and something that I can expand and really put my enthusiasm into.

In the last two weeks I have set up a shop on (, bought in supplies to begin the gift making, made a Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest board. And the final beautiful addition is this blog!

Please stick with me, I'll be blogging about the development of my little shop, and anything else I fancy having a little natter or moan about along the way. As I'm half way through my last degree year at Uni, planning our wedding, organising a house move, and being full time mummy, along side this business venture. I'm sure I wont be short of things to babble on about.

Lots of Love!