Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Daydreaming of Cork

;) Double take anyone?

So today I find myself half way through an assignment when my brain wanders on to the subject of cork. Currently I sell cork photo coasters and have made lots recently and enjoy making them. I first thought of these as a side line to my shop, but they have become the main sellers over Christmas Who can resist when Ellie's baby face is promoting them hehe.

Annnyway, so I was thinking ahead to expanding the range and my mind has gone into over drive! I didn't consider holidays like Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween etc when I opened my shop. But everyone likes quirky new things at the best of times and people tend to go crazy in the holidays. So I'm planning ahead for Valentine's day now. But also working on two new projects for items to add to the sensory toys too. Not quite sure where I find the time, though I think my tired eyes and reluctance to get up in the morning tells me it's usually in the late hours of the evening and night....or when I'm supposed to be writing assignments!

Its 15:39 now and it's getting dark outside, I have half an hour before I do the nursery run. Hoping that she didn't exert herself quite as much today as yesterday, so we can avoid grumpy tantrums about moving a chair in the kitchen, as this is what happened last night. Two year old's are wonderful aren't they.

Child tries to move chair - chair doesn't move - child ends up crying hysterically (she's tired, but you can't tell her that) - results in Mummy pretending to flex her muscles before heaving the chair up like Superman in the hope that the tears stop - and that time they did. Phew!

Unfortunately there is no photo for this story, but I'm sure you can all imagine how ridiculous I looked!!

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