Thursday, 5 December 2013

Mummy, you're my best friend

The best words to hear my little Elliephant say to me!
A day of very strong winds, public transport delays, not enough food, uni, and continued cold weather. I was so happy to pick Ellie up from nursery and get home. We got the duvet downstairs and watched The Rescuers Down Under, she loved it. At bed time we had a made half hour being totally silly tickling, playing peek-a-boo, singing, cuddles, and then "Mummy, you're my best friend." I think my eyes lit up and I gave her the biggest cuddle. Tomorrow is our day of fun again, can't wait till she wakes long as its after 7.30am hehe.

I said I'd share with you the image of the Christmas decorations at the local pub, shame this year you can see the ceiling, but still a bit more bling than I'd have in my own front room.

Tonight I've been doing very little apart from sitting watching TV and having so many ideas for my shop. I have begun a list, perhaps if I make a couple of prototypes for each I may drum up more interest, I know they're good gifts, it's just the internet is a big place and I only have a tiny shop. But the word "Blossoming" suggests that it will grow into something beautiful in time. Just needs nurturing, caring for and tending to. I'm enjoying doing it very much.

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